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Video Tutorial: How to Use the Peace Map

View the video to learn how to register your organization as a Peace Agent on the map, reduce duplicates in incidents and fatalities for a trend analysis, and compare States or LGAs by conflict risk per capita. This tool is an innovative use of technology to integrate data from many different sources to better link early warning with response.

Conflict Bulletins, Memos, and Trackers

Using the P4P Peace Building Map, these bulletins draw on data from FFP's UNLocK, Nigeria Watch, ACLED, CFR's Nigeria Security Tracker, WANEP, CSS/ETH Zurich, and Action on Armed Violence/National Working Group on Armed Violence.

Niger Delta Monthly Trackers

Conflict Patterns and Trends 2013

Drawing on data from the Peace Building Map here are some trends and patterns through 2013. Click on the PDF for trend-lines in the Middle Belt and the North.