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Partners for Peace Network Quarterly Update (July-September 2016)

Partners for Peace (P4P) is a Network whose mission is to build social capital around peacebuilding through amplifying the voices of positive actors, building a network of self-identified agents of peace, and leveraging that network through facilitation, small grants, and capacity building. P4P’s vision is dedicated to promoting sustainable peaceable livelihoods in the Niger Delta through voices, action, and network.

Video: Preventing Violence at the Iriji New Yam Festival-a P4P Intervention

The New Yam Festival in Ibeku community in Abia State is often held amidst violence. See what the Partners for Peace Abia State Chapter did, with results that surprised even the oldest community members.

Video: Daisy's Story - Escaping Assault

Daisy tells her story about escaping through a window to save her friend and herself from someone they thought they could trust. We must break the culture of silence on the issue of violence against women and girls. P4P stands for the rights of women to live free from violence and assault.

Video: Cynthia's Story - House Destroyed by Conflict

The real victims of communal and political conflict are the innocent. Cynthia tells about how she lost her home and had to change schools because of someone else's dispute.

Video Tutorial: How to Use the Peace Map

View the video to learn how to register your organization as a Peace Agent on the map, reduce duplicates in incidents and fatalities for a trend analysis, and compare States or LGAs by conflict risk per capita. This tool is an innovative use of technology to integrate data from many different sources to better link early warning with response.

Video: Austin's Story - No Child Should Experience War

Haunted by what he saw as a small child during the Biafran War, Austin works tirelessly for peace so no other child will have to experience those terrible things.

Video: Okoro's Story - Communal Clash in Rivers

A robbery turns into a murder, which sparks a youth protest, and escalates into a communal clash. In the aftermath, businesses are shut down. Conflict affects our livelihoods. The story shows the complex dynamics between youth, traditional leadership, vigilantes, and security forces.

Video: Carol's Story - Shootout in Cross River

Carol was at a salon in Calabar when she got caught in the crossfire. In the midst of the insecurity, all the shops were closed down, hurting everyone's livelihoods. Because of this experience Carol is working tirelessly for peace in the Niger Delta. She told her story at the P4P Peace Camp in Port Harcourt in August, 2013.

Video: Nkoro's Story - Surviving Armed Robbery in Imo

Nkoro works as a lawyer in the Niger Delta promoting peace and human rights after having experiencing the impacts of violence and criminality in a very personal way. Nkoro told her story at the P4P Peace Camp in Port Harcourt in August, 2013.

Video: Obiagwu's Story - The Pain of Communal Ostracism in Imo

In the midst of a kingship tussle in Imo, Obiagwu's family was ostracized from the community. The pain of that experience makes him work tirelessly for peace so that others won't have to go through it.
